Galaxy Paper Innovation Limited is proud to be a member of the Fat Lee Group. With over 30 years of environmental friendly paper production experiences and technologies, we now hold the title for professional knowledge of development and utilization to the line on paper products. The qualities and varieties of each product is consistently upgrading to serve and provide each customer a high quality with cost-effective to meet their requirement.

You've seen it. It's ours. We have been serving Hong Kong for decades. No matter what part of Hong Kong you are in, this original design is near you. Since 30 years ago, this cup was brought to existance by our company and has made fame in the history of Hong Kong. Not only is this cup made with paper, but it is also made in perfection.

百利快餐用品公司發利行旗下成員之一,擁有30年豐富造紙品經驗,感謝客戶一直支持本司產品,現已在香港各處都能找到。 我們會繼續努力不斷提升產品質素,以價廉物美為宗旨來報答客戶支持。


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With the GPI E-Catalog App (GPI: E-Catalog), you can view all of our products as well as getting updates on our latest developments such as plastic free degradable products. Please visit your mobile device application store to download our App now.

通過GPI電子目錄應用程式,閣下可查閱本司所有產品資料,並了解我們最新的發展情況,例如無塑膠降解產品。請閣下透過電子設備的應用程式商店, 立即 下載我們的應用程式。

Office Address 公司地址
105 Ping Che Road
Fanling, N.T., Hong Kong
Working Hours 辦公時間
Monday - Saturday, 8:00am - 5:15pm
Sunday & Statutory Holiday Closed
星期一 至 星期六, 上午8:00 至 下午5:15
星期日 及 勞工假期休息
Hotline 熱線
TEL:+(852) 2673 8388
+(852) 2673 8508
+(852) 2673 8395
FAX:+(852) 2670 5608

Product Inquiries 產品查詢
Eric Kai
+(852) 9688 8429
Sales Manager 銷售經理
Paul Poon
+(852) 9027 1920
Design Inquiries 設計查詢
Albert Kai
+(852) 5505 1144
General Inquiries 一般查詢

+(852) 2673 8388

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